Gayle and Marsett Chapels
As a church we have a close relationship with our Methodist brothers and sisters at Gayle and Marsett Chapel who are part of the North Yorkshire Dales Methodist Circuit.

Marsett Chapel

Gayle Chapel
We have regular monthly services in Askrigg and Hawes where we worship together and share in the leadership. St Matthew’s in Stalling Busk has close ties with Marsett Chapel across the dale, where we worship and support key festival events with one another. Details of services at any of the Methodist Chapels in the area can be found at:
As part of a more ecumenical group, Anglicans, Methodists, Catholic’s and Quakers form ‘Churches Together’ in the Dale. Collaborative events and services are planned for major festivals such as Easter, Harvest and Christmas, and a small planning group from all the churches meets together twice a year to help with the organisation.